What is Part Crowd Art Gallery?
Established in 2021, Part Crowd Art Gallery is an Online Art Gallery based and operated out of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. With the mission of bringing artists from around the globe together in collaboration. Part Crowd focuses on building a community of visionaries that can help change and navigate the way artists traditionally share their creations to the masses. Be Part of the ART CROWD.
Why is currency listed in US dollars when the gallery is based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada?
We are based and operate in Toronto. As we accept submissions globally, we previously ran into issues when we listed our fee in Canadian dollars. Accepting in USD has eliminated some of the currency hurdles we encountered. To keep things streamlined, we do have to list our fees in USD, even though we do accept submissions from Canada, in Canada. We continue to grow and look at alternatives to our submission process and hope to have a solution for our Canadian artists.
What are the Terms and Agreements when submitting or showcasing my artwork in your online art gallery?
Does all artwork have to be “For Sale”?
No. We leave the selling of artwork solely to the discretion of each artist.
Do I need to ship my artwork to Canada?
No. Part Crowd Art Gallery is an Online-Only gallery. When artwork is sold, we connect the buyer and artist in order to coordinate the purchase and shipping details. Our gallery is global (online), with artists and buyers from various locations.
Are exhibitions juried or non-juried?
All of our exhibitions have been non-juried. In future, there may be opportunities for a juried event. Please keep note of the Art Call details once they are released as we will indicate the criteria.
What are the benefits of exhibiting in your gallery?
With a growing online presence, Part Crowd Art Gallery brings artwork to the screens of many people that would not necessarily frequent a physical art gallery. The benefit of being online helps save artist costs on the production and shipping of physical artwork as we only require an image of the work. An online only art gallery reaches an audience from all of the countries in the world, and breaks the restraints of only showing artwork locally or regionally. Our gallery is also a great way for emerging artists, that may be hesitant about sharing their work publicly, the chance to be part of an exhibition with more established artists. We want to build a community and embrace the new ways people consume art.
Can anyone rent the virtual gallery for private use?
Yes. We love collaborating with other artists, collectives, galleries, or any person that wants to showcase art on our platform. Please email us at art@partcrowd.com with your requirements and we should be able to provide an estimate for rental.
Are there age limits or terms that need to be adhered to when submitting artwork for an exhibition?
18 years or older and submitting your original artwork. Entry fee is non-refundable. DO NOT send artwork containing nudity. Even if you believe it is tasteful/artistic. Legally we cannot display it. DO NOT send artwork with offensive or harassing themes. DO NOT send erotic artwork.
Does the art gallery take commission on art sold?
No. We take no commission for any artwork sold. Artists keep all of the proceeds of the sale of their artwork sold in collaboration with the gallery.