Terms of Agreement.

Part Crowd Art Gallery is an ONLINE ONLY, so no need to ship your work(s) to us.

You agree you are 18 years or older and submitting your original artwork.

You also understand that the submission/entry fee is non-refundable and agree to not reach out to our gallery asking for a refund, no matter the circumstances. 

Artists agree to allow Part Crowd Art Gallery the right to promote, feature, and tag the artist on its social media platforms for promotion of the exhibition.

Artists retain full rights to their artwork.

For 2D works please crop the picture to be of the ARTWORK ONLY. DO NOT include anything in the background, including, but not limited to: a frame or matte, the easel, or a wall.

For 3D works make sure the artwork is very well-lit, cropped to be in the center, and against an ALL WHITE BACKGROUND. We strongly recommend the use of a photo editing app to properly achieve this. DO NOT send pics with gray or off-white backgrounds or shadows cast (unless they are part of the installation, but be certain it is still properly lit overall). We strongly recommend the use of a photo editing app to achieve the aesthetic that looks the most professional.

DO NOT send artwork containing nudity. Even if you believe it is tasteful/artistic. Legally we cannot display it.

DO NOT send artwork with offensive or harassing themes.

DO NOT send erotic artwork.

If artwork sells, the artist will retain 100% of the profits. Part Crowd Art Gallery will forward all purchase inquiries to your email address. And you, the artist, agree to work directly with the buyer to negotiate framing/shipping/etc. Also, we ask that the artist will promptly let us know if a sale is completed, so we can mark it that way for our online audience. Part Crowd Art Gallery cannot be held responsible or liable for anything that may occur during the buyer/seller transaction.


Part Crowd Art Gallery cannot be held liable or responsible for anything that may occur as a result of displaying in our gallery, including, but not limited to: artwork remaining unsold or comments made on social media.


You understand that entering artwork for consideration into this exhibition does not guarantee all artwork will be chosen.

Part Crowd Art Gallery retains the right to terminate this agreement and remove your artwork(s) from our website(s) at any time and for any reason.